Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello everyone

Been a while sense my last post.Well i'm back now and will curse that usless fuck Jehovah and his bastard son Jesus Christ even more than i did before.I have a new team member by the name of
S. Morris.He is a child of SATAN and has renounced all ties to the fucking god Jehovah.Shannon has given himself to SATAN and i salute him for that.HAIL SATAN Shannon..People Jesus Christ is useless in your life.Reject him and enjoy your life to the fullest.Blaspheme the fucking bastard and show the prick you have no fear of him.He has no power over you and can not punish you for sinning against his laws.Gods teachings have made you all afraid of burning in HELL.Put those fears aside for his teachings are lies and half truths.Living your life for god is what hell really is so those of you who live according to gods laws are already living in hell and denying yourselfs the pleasures of SIN.Spending eternity in the real hell after you die surely can not be as bad as the hell you live in now.Hear me Jehovah i have no fear of the loss of heaven and i welcome hell with open arms you prick.Send me to hell now you fucker i'm ready to go there and i will curse your fucking name from my spot in hell.Lord SATAN is the POWER and the GLORY FOREVER and EVER not you and your fucking holy threesome[god the father,god the son and the holy spirit]I reject you all for every and ever and will not worship you but i will blaspheme,mock,defile and descrate your names and all holy things for all eternity.

For those of you wishing to form a closer bond with SATAN please contact me at fossial@yahoo.com and i will guide you into that closer bond.Also anyone who would like to reject and renounce there faith in the christian god please feel free to contact me at fossial @yahoo.com and i will gladly help you along the right path in doing that.Fill my e-mail box with you requests and i will help every one.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blasphemy it is beautiful. Fucking gOd dog, his rotten son jEsUs Fucking cHrIsT and most of all the hoLy sPiRiT need to be mocked cursed and blasphemed very second we are alive. I will cum in and all over the hoLy sPiRiT, piss down gOd’s throat and vomit on jEsUs Fucking cHrIsT. My spirit is greater than theirs and they will genuflect in my presents. Please keep up the blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see people like you in this world. Fuck God,his stupid son jesus and that fucking whore mary! Hail SATAN!

Anonymous said...

I did not ask Jesus to die on that cross, But if he really wants it i shall make him suffer harder.
Watch me as i step into this time machine and go to the day he was still young so i can molest and rape his ass.
Then when the fag gets older he will rape god and all his holy kids!

Anonymous said...

Fuck him so hard i am braking his infant skull when he is born again!
When ever i get really high i have urges to kill a Christian and burn down a church.
I speak in tongues and blaspheme supper hard and think of god getting fucked by 15 black cocks!

Anonymous said...

The most high has been captured under the Vail of belzebub. Now I rape the Nazarene very hard and break his back and have sex with his flesh jacking me off.
The holy spirit is condemned to a flaming pit to rot by the name of baal I will puncture the infant heart of Jesus and have sex with his wound as I cum on a defiled body.

Anonymous said...

Jizzus watches naked children get fucked by the pope.

Anonymous said...

God watches child Catholic child porn

Anonymous said...

Fuck god Jesus and the holy spirit so deep in their asses that the semen boils from friction i want to nuke the holy spirit and activate CERN to kill god from our universe and when that happens i will round up Christians and make them fuck their offspring and suck their cocks off.

Anonymous said...

Death to catholics i will be the one to melt the popes face with acid and break his ribcage with a hammer.
Slash up his throat with a dagger, Bust up his skull till i see white meat underneath. I want to puncture his heart and devour his eyes. i will pound his body so hard it will ruin his organs and he will bleed to death and i will summon Satan to ejaculate on his body then i will bite into the popes corpse and have sex with it.