Wednesday, February 25, 2009


From here to eternity with Satan for I reject the prick jesus christ and his father jehova and the angel fucking holy spirit . Jesus grovels wihole sucking his mother's cunt, eating the cum of the disciples who had already fucked her. A boy sticks his cock in the ass of jesus and jesus screams with pleasure. Who wants that stinking group called the trinity, Hail Satan who keeps me in his lap for eternity

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The blogs on here by you guys are so elaborate and I find that I can try to do justice to you by my simple blasphemies. The Lord Satan truly guides my thoughts and deeds by providing advice via the pendalum. I ask Satan should I do this or that and He indicates affirmative or negative. I want to comunicate with a woman in the Dominican Republic and He wil not permit it although she is a great Satanist, as is her 9 year old sister. So fuck the guidance of jesus christ and Jehova . Fuck the spirit, whether holy or otherwise. I do not want their rediculous holinness. I want evil. I want to see incest on the internet (toons). I want to see others ridicule jesus for it sets me on fire. I hope we can get a female to post on here and further the defamation of the slut Mary who jesus fucks also. Jehova is a much UNDERLINED pest and dog. The prick jesus and the dog jehova and the angel fucking holy spirit can only jusify my contempt. Hail Satan. Hail Satan

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

fuck the trinity

It is way past the time for humanity to recognize that they must cast out the worship of the trinity and place all worship on the true and only Lord Satan. Satan truly guides and admonishes whereas, contrary to the teachings of xtian leaders, the trinity forgets all people and extorts that you either pay homage or burn, just like the mafia which say "pay me $50 per month or we burn your store. Let us burn the trinity. Actually Satan tells us we do not burn but rest in his lap

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Proudly For Satan!

Thanks, Festes, my friend, for your positive comments! Yes, I have indeed cut all ties I might have ever had with the bastard pieces of shit, jehovah, jesus, and the "holy" spirit! Satan is Lord, God, and Master! I urge everyone who reads these postings to accept Satan as God! There is no better Master that you can serve. Cut your own ties with the"holy trinity;" you won't regret it. I am PROUD to be able to come in here and publicly and openly state my love for Lord Satan! I'm pleased that Festes put my real name in his post, because I'm not one bit ashamed of it: Morris is the last name and the "S" stands for Shannon! Email me if you want to know about the power, strength, and beauty of Satan and I will gladly tell you all about it! HAIL SATAN !

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Power Of SATAN

People SATAN does exist and is a real enity.Shannon and i have both seen SATANS power at work.His power is awesome and can be frighting to some.Shannon and i both have stories on witnessing the power of SATAN.These are things we have seen with our own eyes.I to belong to LORD SATAN and have rejected and renounced the fucking holy trinity as Shannon has done.I will post my renounceition for you all to read when i get more time.Getting back to the stories if you would like to hear them please let Shannon or myself know??

My Challange to Jesus Christ

You will need a crucifix to do this challange.To begin take the crucifix in both your hands and take your tongue and lick it from the toes of jesus to the top of his head.Now look at it then spit on it saying fuck you lord jesus fucking christ. Now recite these words---For the glory of Lord SATAN I[your full name] challange you god the father.Oh you fucking son of god,I challenge thee to stand before me if thou dare.I who take my cock to piss on thou face.I who piss on thy holy words,I who piss on the prophets,I who descrate your image and name;Jesus Christ,I who would rape the holy mother mary,I who curse your name.Let me see thou if you dare so i may cast you down by the power of SATAN and thou shall never return to this earth.Now take the crucifix and throw it to the floor and stomp on it till you destroy it all the time chanting FUCK GOD,FUCK JESUS until you have destroyed the crucifix.Now you can piss,shit or masturbate on the destroyed crucifix or whatever you feel like doing to it all the while chanting FUCK GOD,FUCK JESUS.When finished close by saying SO MOTE IT BE! HAIL SATAN!!

Hello everyone

Been a while sense my last post.Well i'm back now and will curse that usless fuck Jehovah and his bastard son Jesus Christ even more than i did before.I have a new team member by the name of
S. Morris.He is a child of SATAN and has renounced all ties to the fucking god Jehovah.Shannon has given himself to SATAN and i salute him for that.HAIL SATAN Shannon..People Jesus Christ is useless in your life.Reject him and enjoy your life to the fullest.Blaspheme the fucking bastard and show the prick you have no fear of him.He has no power over you and can not punish you for sinning against his laws.Gods teachings have made you all afraid of burning in HELL.Put those fears aside for his teachings are lies and half truths.Living your life for god is what hell really is so those of you who live according to gods laws are already living in hell and denying yourselfs the pleasures of SIN.Spending eternity in the real hell after you die surely can not be as bad as the hell you live in now.Hear me Jehovah i have no fear of the loss of heaven and i welcome hell with open arms you prick.Send me to hell now you fucker i'm ready to go there and i will curse your fucking name from my spot in hell.Lord SATAN is the POWER and the GLORY FOREVER and EVER not you and your fucking holy threesome[god the father,god the son and the holy spirit]I reject you all for every and ever and will not worship you but i will blaspheme,mock,defile and descrate your names and all holy things for all eternity.

For those of you wishing to form a closer bond with SATAN please contact me at and i will guide you into that closer bond.Also anyone who would like to reject and renounce there faith in the christian god please feel free to contact me at fossial and i will gladly help you along the right path in doing that.Fill my e-mail box with you requests and i will help every one.